OOH – Storefront Displays

Benefit Cosmetics – Air Patrol

New product promotion

When Benefit Cosmetics launched their new product, Air Patrol, in the UK and ROI, I was entrusted with designing and implementing impactful storefront displays to drive awareness and excitement. My responsibilities involved translating the hero campaign designs into visually striking window displays for their flagship stores across both regions. To bring the campaign to life, I also designed and oversaw the production of a larger-than-life 3D factice of the Air Patrol product, using innovative print production techniques to ensure it made a bold statement in the windows.

Benefit Cosmetics UK

Echo House Ltd.

3D Storefront Displays
Visual Merchandising
Print Production

Additionally, I managed the creation of detailed installation guides to ensure seamless execution by the installation teams. This project required a high level of precision, creativity, and collaboration to maintain brand consistency while delivering an engaging in-store experience that resonated with customers.

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